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Modular dressing

Modular Mill

The development of deposits that are simple in geological structure and relatively rich in gold content, but with relatively small reserves of ore - up to several hundred thousand tons, can be carried out using modular processing plants. Such installations allow you to quickly and with moderate capex,  on average 1000 rubles per 1 ton of ore capacity,  to commission small deposits.

Modular processing plants have significant technological limitations:

  • processed ores must be easy to concentrate - gravitational and chemical technologies;

  • ores should have a low content of harmful impurities that hinder enrichment;

  • have relatively high gold grades - not less than 3-4 g / t.


Typical MOCs are designed for ore productivity in the range of 40-120 thousand tons per year. The design of installations of greater capacity is associated with the use of more expensive units, which leads to a significant, by 50-100%, increase in the cost of the complex. Therefore, with ore reserves at the site of 2–5 million tons, it is advisable to form a single processing center consisting of several modular complexes of medium capacity.

The main operational idea of the modular gold processing plant - autonomy, low power, quick installation and dismantling - is that it should be located in the immediate vicinity of the open pit, up to 2 km. This allows the development to be carried out with a relatively small fleet of vehicles, and to reduce operating costs.


Gravity separation module

EffTech specialists carry out semi-industrial  tests of gravity concentration at the IGR-100 or IGR-350i installation in order to determine the prospects for using centrifugal concentrators on a technological product.  


The IGR-100 installation is an autonomous modular system for the extraction of gold, platinum and other  heavy components. It uses the principle of classification and gravity concentration to extract both fine gold and large nuggets.

Модуль гравитационного обогащения

Heavy medium concentration plant

One of the essential components of the heavy medium concentration process is a heavy medium, which must be non-toxic, have a low viscosity and be easily miscible with water. Heavy media for industrial separation is a mechanical mixture of fine particles in water and is prepared from materials such as galena, magnetite and ferrosilicon. To keep the particles in suspension, mechanical agitation is used to create a circulating flow. There is a trend towards using materials that can be magnetically recovered. At present, fine-grained ferrosilicon with a specific gravity of 6.7-6.8 g / cm3 is used as a weighting agent. Fine-grained ferrosilicon is an alloy of iron and silicon consisting mainly of rounded particles in it, small coarse (+75 microns) granules and a high percentage of fine powder (almost 75%). Its high density and low viscosity provide good separation efficiency with low fluid loss. In terms of iron content (85%), it belongs to materials with a strong magnetic susceptibility, which is very important in organizing the process of suspension regeneration.

Medium-heavy separation, as a gravity separation process, is a system. The efficient and economical operation of this system is due to the sequence of interrelated processes: preparation of food, supply of food and medium, separation of heavy and light particles in apparatus, isolation of the finished product and regeneration of the medium.  A distinctive feature of the process of heavy medium separation in comparison with other methods of gravity separation is that it is characterized by the greatest  accuracy of separation by density, and this allows you to obtain high recovery of the valuable component with a minimum concentrate yield.

There are two main areas of application of heavy medium separation: it can be used to obtain a commercial product (for example, to separate coal from shale) and in other cases it is used to obtain tailings in the processing of ores of sulfide and oxidized metals and diamond-bearing ores and sands, the further processing of which impractical.

At present, at almost all processing plants of ALROSA, heavy media separation is used to enrich the original ore and sands and to clean up concentrates from jigging machines and screw separators. 

Modular plants are compact, with well-matched equipment in terms of performance, and rational layout.

Установка тяжелосредного обогащения


EffTech specialists carry out semi-industrial  tests of gravity concentration at the IGR-100 or IGR-350i installation in order to determine the prospects for using centrifugal concentrators on a technological product.  


The IGR-100 installation is an autonomous modular system for the extraction of gold, platinum and other  heavy components. It uses the principle of classification and gravity concentration to extract both fine gold and large nuggets.

Модульная установка IGR-100
Модуль гравитационного обогащения
Установка тяжелосредного обогащения
Модульные ЗИФ
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